Our Implementing Partners
SCOPE Malawi is currently working together with 19 implementing partners. Those partners are experts in the field of permaculture and support us in the implementation of our training. They are also a big help with the monitoring of project progress and provide a great source of knowledge and experience in the different regions.
Northern region

Kasoba CBO
~Current project: SRSC
~Who they are: Kasoba CBO is a Community based organization that operates within the given Kasoba in Karonga District, and it ensures the community with the sustainable provision of community services and action, health, educational, personal growth and improvement, social welfare, and self-help for the disadvantaged, its sustainability becomes healthier and possible because the community is directly involved in the action or operation wherever and whenever monetary and nonmonetary support or contribution is needed. In order to provide financial support, they have established a maize mill in order to support their community.
- Kenneth Mwakasungula
- Karonga, Malawi
- +265995 660 843

Walusungu CBO
~Current project: SRSC
~Who they are: Walusungu CBO is a Community Based organization based in Mzimba in the Northern part of Malawi. Its main goal is to assist the communities to become self-reliant and promote community responsibilities. It has a Permaculture demonstration garden which it uses to demonstrate to the community sustainable ecological practices.
- Helen Munthali
- C/o Mbanasi Guest House, P.O. Box 1, Mzimba Malawi
- +265992 362 759

Butterfly Space
~Current project: SRSC
~Who they are: Butterfly Space is an umbrella organization for many community projects that they run in Nkhata Bay, northern Malawi. With a focus on education, environment and community they have several projects of which permaculture in primary schools is one. The others include Stepping Stones Primary school, Butterfly information room, Kandoli media room and radio, Uje Umampha; HIV support group, Mpamba vocational centre and more. As part of the permaculture work they have developed a programme locally, Malawi Schools Permaculture Clubs, (MSPC) which is working with 22 schools in the District providing training and resources for interested teachers to run their own after school permaculture club. This project is growing each year both in the number of schools who run the programme and the scope of the programme. They are further developing community networks and information sharing as a way to further enhance local development.
- Josie Redmonds, josie.redmonds@gmail.com
- www.butterflyspacemalawi.com, www.facebook.com/malawischoolspermaculture clubs.
- You can also find Butterfly and Malawi schools permaculture clubs on Instagram.

~Current project: SRSC
~Who they are: Lukwe provides training in a living demonstration of a sustainable, crop-producing ecosystem, through techniques such as water harvesting, soil building, integrated animal and land use management and permaculture design.
- Kenneth Mwakasungula
- Karonga, Malawi
- +265 995 660 843
Central Region

~Current project: SRSC
~Who they are: The Kusamala Institute of Agriculture and Ecology is a local, non-governmental organization that promotes household-level permaculture and agro-ecology systems in Malawi through demonstration, education, outreach, and advocacy. Through the Centre’s demonstrations, Kusamala educates individuals and communities on how to improve nutrition, income generation, and environmental health. Through grants and programs, Kusamala conducts outreach, research, and advocacy with the aim to show the viability of permaculture as a local and national agricultural strategy.
- Rose Bell
- Lilongwe, Malawi
- +265 999 897 676
- rose@kusamala.org
- https://kusamala.org/

~Current project: SRSC
~Who they are: Lipangwe Organic Manure Demonstration Farm (LOMADEF) is a registered local non-governmental organization in Malawi under the Trustees Incorporation Act. The organization was founded in 1993 by Mr. Jailos Kanjanga to help smallholder farmers achieve household and community food and nutrition security using low-cost technologies which are environmentally friendly. LOMADEF by virtue of working in the agriculture sector is a member of the Ntcheu District Agriculture Coordinating Committee as well as a member of the District Nutrition Coordinating Committee for providing nutrition education to smallholder farmers. The organization works in the thematic areas of agriculture, food and nutrition, climate change adaptation, and environmental conservation.
- Kanjanga J.
- +265 999 24 33 86
- kanjangaj@gmail.com

Landirani Trust - African Vision Malawi
~Who they are: Their mission statement is to have a ‘healthy, educated and self-sufficient community in Malawi’. They work in the rural area in the center of Malawi, with a catchment area of 400 square km and a population of 60,000. Their projects focus on young vulnerable people and encompass a holistic view based on education, agriculture, health, and water. It is their aim to educate communities in alternative and ecological methods which will not only support their daily lives but the environment. Creating lasting changes to their lives. Their areas of expertise are: Earth building, permaculture, reforestation, education, health, vocational and skills training.
- Heather Palmer (CEO) +44 (0)7798 695287 / +265 (0)994 502 320 (Malawi office)
- https://www.africanvision.org.uk (website)
- https://www.facebook.com/africanvision (facebook)

~Who they are: Cultural Environmental Restoration and Fight Hunger Trust (CERAFHT) is a community-based Organisation that aims at assisting their community to restore environmental and cultural diversity whilst at the same time-fighting hunger. Areas of expertise are: 1. Community Mobilisation 2. Permaculture 3. Seed Multiplication 4. Land design 5. Capacity Building 6. Training Facilitation
- Bernadette Chawawa
- +265993497097
- bcmvula@gmail.co


Emmanuel University
~Who they are: Emmanuel University is in area 43 off Ufulu Road. It is in its own premises and permanent structures. It is a Christian organization that trains people to become excellent teachers committed to God’s creation. It has Tsokankanansi as its implementing primary school.
- Clara Menson Mkandawire, Box 30583
- claramenson3@gmail.com,
- +265888851048/+265885910555

Kauma scholars
~Current project: SRSC
~Who they are: Kauma Scholars is a NGO in Kauma, working with the community as well as school children. The two main focus areas are sports and education. The education aspect focuses on training the community about how to take care of nature, and to teach the students at the school how to establish vegetable gardens. The NGO also runs a School Feeding program, 4 days a week whereas Wednesday is a fruits day.
+265999358795 Pachalo Banda
- Facebook: Kauma Scholars Feeding Project
Southern region

~Current project: SRSC, Eco Schools
~Who they are: Perm-A-Outreach, is a social and environmental service provider based in Blantyre. They offer training, facilitation, and consultancy services. Their main focus areas are garden designs using permaculture and value addition.
Matthews Mpofu +265888595231

~Current project: SRSC
~Who they are: CARD’s foundation is to provide emergency relief assistance and rehabilitation support to victims of natural and man-made disasters. CARD emphasizes on disaster mitigation, prevention and livelihood recovery of victims in its development support initiatives. CARD understands the poor as people deprived of the basic necessities of life, those whose livelihood is at risk, those oppressed and powerless victims of human injustice. CARD considers that poverty is structural and if institutions and structures that have the mandate to manage and control resources do so with even-handedness on issues that affect livelihoods and rights of the people, then the greater realization of the right to development will follow.
- Chifundo Macheka
- Thyolo, Malawi
- +265997 432 318

~Current project: SRSC
~Who they are: The Evangelical Lutheran Development Program (ELDS) is a development arm of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Malawi established in 1989 in response to a request from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi (ELCM) and the Government of Malawi. The church has made many achievements like feeding orphan children, paying school fees to needy children and youth, paying fees for skills training, breaking the silence on HIV/AIDS and training on behavior change, offering education in its schools, building chapels and parsonages in its parishes, offering training to its staff, international exposure of many youth, relationship with other Lutheran churches outside Malawi, taking part in development of the country.
- https://elcm.weebly.com/
- P O Box 650 Lilongwe MALAWI
- Dickens Mtonga
- +265 888 85 26 12
- mtongadick@gmail.com

DAPP Amalika TTC
~Current project: SRSC
~Who they are: DAPP Development from People to People in Malawi (DAPP Malawi) is a member of the Federation for Associations connected to the International HUMANA PEOPLE to PEOPLE Movement. In short: HUMANA PEOPLE TO PEOPLE. The objective of DAPP in Malawi is to promote social and economic development. Through a variety of development models, DAPP complements the Government’s effort in implementing the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy to achieve the nation’s Vision 2020. The people engaged in the development initiatives of DAPP are trained and equipped with tools and knowledge enabling them to transform their dreams and wishes for a better life into practical actions. Presently, the DAPP projects are focused on four of the pressing development issues in Malawi:
- Improving food security and economic growth
- Increasing access to quality education
- Improving children’s conditions
- Fighting HIV & AIDS

Samaritan trust
~Current project: SRSC
~Who they are: The Samaritan Trust was set up in 1993 to assist those in most need in Malawi. The Trust aims at promoting the protection and welfare of street children on the streets of Blantyre. These aims are achieved through the following objectives:
- To identify and provide moral and financial support to street children, and children in difficult circumstances.
- To implement literacy and skills programs essential to the successful re-integration of the street child.
- To integrate the street child back into the family unit and community structure.
- To assist with family empowerment and so prevent the need for the children to return to the streets.
- Defend the rights of Street Children.
- Katowa Mvula
- P.O Box 2835, Blantyre, Malawi
- +265 999 57 46 60
- katowa@samaritantrust.net
- Facebook: The Samaritan Trust

~Current project: SRSC, Eco Schools
~Who they are: Maziko Amoyo Wabwino Odzidalira (MAWO) which literally means a foundation for a better life of self-reliance is a community organization operating in the area of Chief Chapananga in the district of Chikwawa. It was established in the year 1992. Its main goal is to assist the communities to become self-reliant and promote community responsibilities; -teaching communities in sustainable farming methods -promote conservation of the environment -training in natural medicine and nutrition We also promote the preservation of indigenous knowledge by facilitating the transfer of knowledge from the elderly to the younger generation.
~Contact: To be updated soonest

~Current project: SRSC
~Who they are: Mangochi Orphan Education and Training (MOET) is a community-based, co-educational day school for orphans and vulnerable children in the Mangochi district of Malawi by the lakeshore. It provides not only primary school education but also practical skills training in a caring environment that respects all belief systems. MOET is partially self-sustaining and this is significant in a country that is one of the poorest in the world. By producing and selling its own goods in the local community the school is reducing the amount of dependency on donations from outside.
- Patterson Majonanga
- P.O Box 328, Mangochi, Malawi
- +265999873270 | +264888873270
- https://www.fomoe.org/