About SCOPE Malawi

The Schools and Colleges Permaculture Programme Malawi (SCOPE) was born out of the work of the Regional SCOPE Programme (ReSCOPE) in 2015. SCOPE Malawi is an NGO closely working together with schools and colleges. We believe that the younger
generation is the custodian of the planet’s resources and many initiatives must be taken to educate them in order to improve the current situation of food and nutrition insecurity.

SCOPE Malawi assists schools to redesign their bare grounds in an ecologically sound
manner. We also facilitate the sharing of experiences by partners who are working with school and college communities to build resilient and productive environments. The Programme helps interested partner organizations to use the Integrated Land Use Design (ILUD) process as a tool for school and college communities to develop multi-functional landscapes that help them to move towards food sovereignty, improved nutrition and more sustainable management of natural resources. When fully implemented, the ILUD process unfolds a startling transformation of lives and landscapes in pursuit of more sustainable living. 

Community engagement

For a sustainable change, we need to have the households on board. If they understand and support the idea of using permaculture practices we can create not only strong permaculture schools but also resilient permaculture practicing communities. There is a lot of indigenous knowledge we can make use of. That is why, when working together with schools, we also target vulnerable households around those schools. To find out what needs, wishes, and resources certain communities have, we approach them by doing a two-day community mapping exercise. Find out more about the community mapping tool when checking out our SKI project.

A SCOPE Malawi Permaculture School

What is a SCOPE school? A SCOPE school is more than just a place to learn about mathematics, English or Chichewa. We want to create a healthy environment for our future generation and their teachers. At a SCOPE school, students learn about how to take care of their environment and enjoy growing their own food mostly using natural ressources for that.

Vision and Mission


Our vision on the ground is to see school and college communities living in abundance using their whole land creatively.


“Empowering young people today for a brighter tomorrow”


Quality of life in Malawian communities is improved


To inspire and empower young people to end hunger and care for the Earth


Our core values

  • Care for the Earth and respect for all forms of life
  • Children as custodians for the future
  • Integrity transparency and accountability
  • Creativity innovation and fun